Tag Archives: Feminism

The Oxymoron of ‘Islamic Feminism’

Feminism has done its job in destroying Western culture, now its set its perverted eyes upon Islam. What a load of rubbish.


Although this group may have some legitimate concerns regarding the upkeep of female prayer areas in certain masajid, the means they employ and manner in which they conduct themselves is far from acceptable, not to mention their open disregard for certain hadith of the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalam).  In the end, this seems to be more the product of highly inflated ego’s than a genuine concern for the Muslim community.

Thoughts on a few excerpts from the article:

…Thompson is leading group members in what she calls acts of “civil disobedience” – praying behind the men at local area masajid, disregarding any specially designated prayer areas for women.

Their first “Pray In” protest at the Islamic Center of Washington DC took place in late February. About ten  women prayed outside the women’s space behind the men’s congregation; men who came in late formed lines behind the protesting women

Not only do these women and their supporters completely disregard the existing harmony in the Muslim communities they visit, but by breaking the protocol of these masjids they deliberately set up situations where  the salah of late-arriving worshipers is put into question regarding its validity.

As if this in itself wasn’t enough, I’m sure these “revolutionaries” must also be feeling the great honor of Islamic modesty by putting their rear-ends on display to the dozens of men who are unfortunately stuck praying behind them.

Although Dar Al-Hijrah has a second floor mezzanine overlooking the main prayer hall designated for women, Imam Shaker Elsayed allowed the protesters to pray in the main prayer area but only in the very back, citing a hadith which states the back most rows are the best for women. The group refused, demanding to pray with only a few rows of space between them and the men. Thompson told the Muslim Link asking the women to pray at the back wall was “essentially an attempt to humiliate” the group.

This clearly shows that these people are not at all interested in following the teachings of the Holy Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalam), but rather are attempting to reinvent the religious traditions according to their diseased ego’s.  A question for Ms. Thompson – do you honestly think that our beloved Prophet (sws) was attempting to humiliate all women by stating that the best rows for them are those in the back?  Think long and hard about this, don’t just vomit out the first response your naffs gives to you – you may just lose your faith.

Muslim leaders of masajid in Maryland and Northern Virginia were roundly critical, even upset, that Pray-In is making what one board member called a “big drama” out of barriers in the masjid.

“Our own community sisters who come and pray [throughout the week] at our masjid have never had a problem with the barriers. And now this outside group is coming with their reporters from Fox News and [other media] to make the community a laughing stock in front of everyone. It is irresponsible and … selfish. It is totally against what Islam teaches,”

Exactly.  These people are going to peaceful, happy communities and causing an uproar – dictating to the local Muslims of that community that they must be angry and ready to fight for an issue that the majority there aren’t even concerned with or believe in.  The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalam) said that fitna is asleep, and the curse falls upon those ones who awaken it.

Thompson told the Muslim Link she invites reporters along to be witnesses if there are any verbal or physical threats made against the protesters; the group also believes mass media coverage of their protests is the only way to force Muslim community leaders to address their concerns.

…A revert Muslimah like Thompson, Okoye said it’s “bad da’wah” when she brings her female non-Muslim relatives to the masjid and they discover women pray behind a partition.

Yes, of course. The barriers between the male and female portions of the masjids serve as “bad dawah” to non-Muslim guests who come visit.  However, by openly inviting kafir media outlets, such as Fox News, to come into our masjids and record these verbal and sometimes physical conflicts that break out for the whole world to see on the evening news – that would be a much better way to get across the message of Islam.  Genius!

Pray-In maintains that prayer barriers between the genders are a “bida’”, or a “religious innovation” that did not exist at the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

And the skin-tight jeans and designer tops these women have been seen parading around in were.  Right, right.

Citing a fatwa on the issue, Fatima Thompson insists that not only are barriers un-Islamic, but a space larger than a few rows between the men and women invalidates the women’s congregational prayer. She could not recall the name of the scholar who issued the ruling; the fatwa is also not on the group’s Facebook page

Hahahaha .. wow.  seriously?  You’re basing your entire movement upon an seemingly non-existent fatwa from a seemingly non-existent scholar.  Only in the 21st Century could something this absurd be pulled off.  SubhanAllah.

Many Muslims familiar with the Pray-In group consider them “progressive Muslims”, a moniker which came into use over the past decade to describe Muslims who advocate for free interpretation of the Qur’an, the Imamship of women, and the permissibility of homosexuality … a homosexual man who calls himself an Imam accompanied the first pray-in protest in Washington DC

Nothing to say to this one.  I’ll let you come to your own conclusions.

At one Maryland masjid, women heard about the Pray-In group but were not interested.

“We don’t know them. They don’t come here. Our needs are being met [at our masjid] … we have classes and a lot of activities, some with the brothers, and some just for sisters. We have needy, single mothers [in our communities] who don’t have money to feed their kids [properly]. And these sisters are worried about prayer barriers? They need to get over it,” said one sister on her way to a weekend class.

I couldn’t agree more.  Get over yourself Ms. Thompson.  Your despicable attempts to change 1400 years of Islamic traditions aren’t fooling anyone but yourself and those like you – the ones  that would gladly sell their religion at a cheap price.  The doors of repentance are open now, but wont be forever.  I urge you to drop this foolish act to gain attention and return to the honorable position that has been granted to Muslim women by Allah and His Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasalam)

How “Feminism” Destroyed American Relationships

How “Feminism” Destroyed American Relationships

By Reed Perry

“…FEMINISM in it’s recent construct, has ignored the roles of both men and women, which have existed for millions of years, and indeed the roles that humans innately desire. This ruthless attitude towards so many generations of tradition has lead to social dissolve: loneliness, depression, sluttiness, STDs, AIDs, mass divorces, broken homes, abortions, birth control (which causes cancer), etc. ALL THE WHILE… feminists have acted as-if things like divorce, abortion, and sluts are ACTUALLY GOOD THINGS!

I am more and more believing that young people should settle down and get married early because it is part of the human life-cycle, and forces boys to grow-up from adolescence and become men taking on responsibility. All I see around me are “women” that are less and less worthy of the respect of a woman or wife because they have blown their lives on sex with strangers, abortions, pornography, materialism, and are basically unpaid prostitutes.

Prostitutes may actually represent a more intelligent and dignified version of many of these girls because at least hookers get some tangible pay-off from their services rendered.

The “Sex in the City” and “Friends” ideals of sexual permission and unbridled consumerism by disrespectful money-grubbing women has DESTROYED an entire generation of Americans and it is VERY SAD.

The so-called “sexual liberation” or “feminist movement” is a shallow lie that liberated nothing. It reduced the dignity and importance of women, increased their labor, not lowering it. This movement also confused and disoriented so many young men who now don’t know what to find in a girl and think only about the next hookup, making their future wives chunks of useless meat.

Meanwhile, men remain in the most dangerous jobs, children have no mothers, and relationships crumble at a more rapid rate every year.”

Note: I do not endorse 100% of the views espoused in this article – just enough to post it on here..